Search Results
2nd Annual BIM Conference Abu Dhabi - Dr. Martin Fischer (2 of 8 videos)
2nd Annual BIM Conference Abu Dhabi - Mr. Marc Durand (8 of 8 videos)
2nd Annual BIM Conference Abu Dhabi - Mr. Zuhair Haddad (3 of 8 videos)
2nd Annual BIM Conference Abu Dhabi - Mr. Moawia Abdelkarim (7 of 8 videos)
2nd Annual BIM Conference Abu Dhabi - Mr. Eli Walter (5 of 8 videos)
2nd Annual BIM Conference - Opening Speeches (1 of 8 videos)
2nd Annual BIM Conference Abu Dhabi - Mr. Hassan Helmi (4 of 8 videos)
What Has Impressed You Most About the Schmidt-MacArthur Fellowship Programme? | Martin Fischer
Martin Fischer - "I'm interested in metrics that ...."
Martin Fischer. Embodied Representation of Number Knowledge.
Taking the BIM Model Further: Deconstruction